Download Toolkit:
The complete source code of all toolkits are now available!
If you have problems with one of the toolkits (or source-packages)
please read the
Video13h - Toolkit for Turbo / Borland Pascal:
Video13h is a fast Mode 13h (320x200x256) toolkit
especially created for game developers.
-* Mode13h-Video-Engine 6.0a *-
- for Turbo Pascal -
- A libary for game developers -
- in Mode 320x200x256. -
- TPU, TPP, 32bit -
- Real & Protected Mode -
- with a lot of example files -
- only for 386 and higher... -
- use as many virtual screens as you want (memory have)
- set window-borders for easy drawing
Download the Video13h-toolkit
(~146 kB; no source)
or the sourecode
(~100 KB) now!
We have included some read/write functions to communicate with the
shareware painting-program IMPROCES
for having a fast success using the toolkit.
Video100h - Toolkit for Borland Pascal:
Video100h is a fast VESA Mode 100h (640x400x256) toolkit especially
created for game developers.
-* Mode101h-Video-Engine 6.0a *-
- for Borland Pascal -
- A libary for game developers -
- in Mode 640x400x256. -
- Protected Mode, 32 bit -
- with a lot of example files -
- only for 386 and higher... -
Download the
(~229 kB; no source) or the
(~116 KB) now!
We have included some read/write functions to communicate with the
shareware painting-program IMPROCES
for having a fast success using the toolkit.
Video101h - Toolkit for Borland Pascal:
Video101h is a fast VESA Mode 101h (640x480x256) toolkit
especially created for game developers.
-* Mode101h-Video-Engine 6.0b *-
- for Borland Pascal -
- A libary for game developers -
- in Mode 640x480x256. -
- Protected Mode, 32 bit -
- with a lot of example files -
- only for 386 and higher... -
Download the
(~227 kB; no source)
or the sourecode
(~116 KB) only now!
We have included some read/write functions to communicate with the
shareware painting-program IMPROCES
for having a fast success using the toolkit.
Video10Eh - Toolkit for Borland Pascal:
Video10Eh is a fast VESA Mode 10Eh (320x200x65536) toolkit
especially created for game developers.
-* Mode10Eh-Video-Engine 1.0b *-
- for Borland Pascal -
- A libary for game developers -
- in Mode 320x200x64k -
- TPP, 32bit, Protected Mode -
- light & shadows effects ... -
- with a lot of example files -
- only for 386 and higher... -
Download the
(~400 kB; no source)
or the sourecode
(~258 KB) now!
You can load 16 bit uncompressed TGA files. We higly recommend
PaintShopPro to create such files.
Video111h - Toolkit for Borland Pascal:
Video111h is a fast VESA Mode 111h (640x480x65536) toolkit
especially created for game developers.
-* Mode111h-Video-Engine 1.0b *-
- for Borland Pascal -
- A libary for game developers -
- in Mode 640x480x64k -
- TPP, 32bit, Protected Mode -
- light & shadows effects ... -
- with a lot of example files -
- only for 386 and higher... -
Download the
(~417 kB; no source)
or the sourecode
(~278 KB) now!
You can load 16 bit uncompressed TGA files. We higly recommend
PaintShopPro to create such files.
Video3d - Toolkit for Borland Pascal:
Video3d is a toolkit for 3d-object-handling and -drawing (for mode
320x200x256 and 640x480x65536).
-* VIDEO3D : a 3d Video Engine *-
- for Borland Pascal in Mode -
- 320x200x256 and 640x480x256 -
- TPP, 32bit -
- -
- This 3d Engine offers you powerfull -
- facilities in movement like in -
- Mech Warrior, Doom etc.! -
- -
- AND: it includes full source code! -
- -
- (c) vIRTUAL tECHNOLOGIES 1996-1998 -
Download the
(~230 kB; including source).
CMF-Player - Toolkit for Turbo / Borland Pascal:
(including source-code)
CMF-Player is a fast Player for CreativeMusic-Files NOT using
from Creative Labs (R).
-* CMF-Player version 3.1 *-
- for Turbo/Borland Pascal -
- A libary for game developers -
- including example CMF-files -
- Real & Protected Mode -
- Creative Labs (R) -
Special thanks go to Carl Eric Coderec.
Download the complete package including a CMF-Player, some CMF-Files
and the full SOURCE CODE of
CMF-Player (~67 kB) now!
BigLoad - Toolkit for Turbo / Borland Pascal:
Don't have a lot of little files in a lot of subdirectories!
Just make
one BigFile of them.
-* BigLoad - BigFile Support *-
- for Turbo Pascal -
- A libary for game developers -
- TPU, TPP -
- for Real & Protected Mode -
- with example files -
Download the
(~41 kB; no source)
the sourecode
(~10 KB) now!
KBDHandler - Toolkit for Turbo / Borland Pascal:
You want to make multiplayer games or you want to ask the status of
the left and right SHIFT-keys? Well than have a look at this...
-* Keyboard-Handler-1.3 *-
- for Turbo Pascal -
- Check multiple keys, -
- left shift, right shift -
- TPU, TPP, easy to use -
- Real & Protected Mode -
Download the units and the tutorial of KBDHandler (~22 kB; no source)
or download the sourecode
(~7 KB) only now!